【有 效 性】有效
【正 文】
简 介
第1条 抵押权、“质权”及担保物权的承认和执行对海运船舶的抵押权、“质权”和性质相同的应登记担保物权(以下简称担保物权),如符合下述条件,应在缔约国得到承认和执行:(a)此种抵押权、“质权”或担保物权已根据船舶登记国法律设定和登记;(b)登记册和根据船舶登记国法律需要交存于登记处的任何文书均公开供公众查验,而且,登记册摘要及这类文书的副本可向登记处索取;和(c)登记册或(b)款中提到的任何文书中至少载明在其名下设定抵押权、“质权”或担保物权者的姓名和地址,或已向持有人颁发,登记国法律要求载明的最大担保金额,或者,该金额已在设立抵押权、“质权”或担保物权的文书中载明,以及按照登记国法律用以确定相对于其他已登记之抵押权、“质权”和担保物权的排列次序的日期和其他事项。
第2条 抵押权、“质权”和担保物权的排列次序和效力已登记的抵押权、“质权”或担保物权彼此间的排列次序及其在不妨害本公约规定的条件下对第三方的效力应根据登记国法律确定;然而,在不妨害本公约规定的条件下,与执行程序有关的所有事项均应遵守执行国法律的规定。
第3条 所有权或登记的变更1.除第11条和第12条规定的情况外,在所有其他将导致船舶从一缔约国登记册中被注销登记的情况下,该缔约国不得允许所有人注销对船舶的登记,除非事先已注销了所有已登记的抵押权、“质权”或担保物权的登记,或已得到这种抵押权、“质权”或担保物权拥有人的书面同意。但是,在非属船舶自愿出售而按照缔约国法律必须注销船舶登记的情形下,所有已登记的抵押权、“质权”或担保物权拥有人应该得到将予注销登记的通知,以使这些拥有人能够采取适当行动保护他们的利益;除非拥有人同意,否则这种注销登记的执行不应早于一段合理期间结束后,这段期间不应少于对上述拥有人发出有关通知后三个月。2.在不妨害第12条第5款的情况下,已在一缔约国登记的船舶不得在另一缔约国登记,除非:
第4条 船舶优先权1.对船舶所有人、光船承租人、船舶管理人或经营人的下述各项索赔可通过对船舶的优先权得到担保:
第5条 船舶优先权的优先顺序1.第4条所列船舶优先权应优先于已登记的抵押权、“质权”和担保物权、任何其他索赔均不得优先于此类船舶优先权或优先于符合第1条规定的抵押权、“质权”或担保物权,但第12条第3款和第4款所规定者除外。2.第4条所列船舶优先权应按顺序排列,但由船舶优先权所担保的关于船舶的救助报酬的索赔应优先于引起该船舶优先权的作业之前对船舶提出的任何其他船舶优先权。3.第4条第1款(a)、(b)、(d)和(e)各项中所列船舶优先权相互之间,应按相同的顺序排列。4.由船舶优先权担保的关于船舶的救助报酬的索赔应按所担保的索赔发生的时间逆序排列。这项索赔应被视为在每一救助作业结束之日即已产生。
第6条 其他船舶优先权每一缔约国均可按照其法律规定其他船舶优先权,以担保除第4条所规定者之外的对船舶的所有人、光船承租人、船舶管理人或经营人的索赔,但这些船舶优先权:(a)应遵守第8条、第10条和第12条的规定;(b)应在下列时间消灭:
第7条 留置权1.每一缔约国均可按照其法律给予下述船舶占有人以船舶留置权:
第8条 船舶优先权的特性除第12条规定的情况外,船舶优先权随船舶存在而存在,而不论船舶的所有权或登记或船旗有何变更。
第9条 船舶优先权的时效1.第4条所列船舶优先权一年后即行消灭,除非在这一期限终止前,船舶已被扣留或扣押,而这种扣留和扣押导致该船舶的强制出售。2.第1款所述一年期限:
第10条 转让和代位1.第4条所列船舶优先权所担保的索赔发生转让或代位,将同时造成该项船舶优先权的转让或代位。2.拥有船舶优先权的索赔人不得对根据保险合同向船舶所有人支付的保险赔偿金取得代位求偿。
第11条 关于强制出售的通知1.在一缔约国强制出售船舶之前,该国主管当局应保证按本条规定向下述各方发出通知:
第12条 强制出售的效力1.船舶一旦在一个缔约国被强制出售,除经抵押权、“质权”或担保物权拥有人同意由船舶购买人承担外,所有已登记的抵押权、“质权”或担保物权以及所有船舶优先权和无论任何性质的其他债权均不再与该船有关,但必须符合下列条件:(a)出售时,船舶在该缔约国管辖范围之内;以及(b)出售系根据该国法律和第11条和本条的规定进行。2.由于扣留或扣押和随后船舶出售引起的费用和开支应在出售所得款项中首先支付。这些费用和开支应包括特别是船舶被扣留或扣押之时起所引起的船舶维修保养费用和船员生活费用以及第4条第1款(a)项所指工资、其他款项和费用。出售所得的余下部分应按本公约的规定以满足有关各项索赔的程度进行分配。在所有索赔人都得到满足后,出售所得如果尚有任何剩余,应交付船舶所有人,并且该款项应可自由转移。3.缔约国可在本国法律中规定,在公共当局为航行安全或保护海洋环境而清除的搁浅或沉没船舶被强制出售的情况下,在由该船舶的船舶优先权担保的所有其他索赔得到满足之前,应首先从出售所得中支付此种清除费用。4.如在强制出售时,船舶为一造船厂或修船厂所占有并按照出售地所在缔约国法律享有留置权,这种造船厂或修船厂必须向买方交出其占有的船舶,但有权在第4条所指船舶优先权拥有人的索赔得到满足后,从售船所得中得到赔偿。5.当在某一缔约国登记的船舶在任一缔约国成为强制出售的标的时,主管当局应按购船人的要求开具证书,说明除购船人所承担者外,该船之出售不附带任何已登记的抵押权、“质权”或担保物权以及一切船舶优先权和其他债权,但必须符合第1款(a)和(b)项的要求。在出示这种证明时,登记处必须注销除购船人承担者外所有已登记的抵押权、“质权”或担保物权,并以购船人的名义登记此船或视情况为重新登记开具一份注销登记证明书。6.缔约国应当保证强制出售所得的任何款项均可实际得到并能自由转移。
第13条 适用范围1.除本公约另有规定外,本公约的规定适用于所有在缔约国或非缔约国登记的海船,但后者的船舶必须是受缔约国管辖的。2.本公约中的任何规定均不得对国家所有或经营并且仅充作政府非商业性服务的任何船舶产生任何权利或对其行使任何权利。
第14条 缔约国间的联系就本公约第3条、第11条和第12条的规定而言,缔约国主管当局有权彼此直接联系。
第15条 公约的冲突本公约的任何规定不得影响规定责任限制的任何国际公约或使其生效的国内法律的适用。
第16条 船旗的暂行变换如果在一国登记的海船被准予临时改悬另一国国旗,应适用下列规定:
第17条 保存者本公约应由联合国秘书长保存。
第18条 签署、批准、接受、核准和加入1.本公约应自1993年9月1日至1994年8月31日在联合国总部向任何国家开放以供签署,此后继续开放以供加入。2.各国可按照下列方式表示同意接受本公约的约束:
第19条 生效1.本公约应在有10个国家已经表示同意接受本公约约束之日起六个月后生效。2.对于在本公约生效条件满足后才示明同意接受本公约约束的国家,这种同意应自示明之日起三个月后生效。
第20条 修订和修正1.经三分之一的缔约国请求,联合国秘书长应召开缔约国会议,以修订或修正本公约。2.对在本公约修正案生效后表示同意接受公约约束的,这种同意应视为适用经修正的公约。
第21条 退出1.任何缔约国,在本公约对其生效后,可随时退出。2.退出应向保存者交存退出的文件。3.退出应于保存者收到退出文件一年后或该退出文件中规定的更长期限后生效。
第22条 文字本公约正本一份,用阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文写成,各种文本具有同等效力。一九九三年五月六日订于日内瓦。为此,各国政府正式授权的下列具名代表,特签署本公约,以昭信守。
【名称】 international convention on maritime liens and mortgages, 1993
【题注】 whole document
the states parties to this convention,
conscious of the need to improve conditions for ship financing and the
development of national merchant fleets,
recognizing the desirability of international uniformity in the field
of maritime liens and mortgages, and therefore
convinced of the necessity for an international legal instrument
governing maritime liens and mortgages,
have decided to conclude a convention for this purpose and have
therefore agreed as follows:
article 1
recognition and enforcement of mortgages, “hypoth????eques” and
mortgages, “hypoth????eques” and registrable charges of the same
nature, which registrable charges of the same nature will be referred to
hereinafter as “charges”, effected on seagoing vessels shall be recognized
and enforceable in states parties provided that:
(a) such mortgages, “hypoth????eques” and charges have been
effected and registered in accordance with the law of the state in which
the vessel is registered;
(b) the register and any instruments required to be deposited with
the registrar in accordance with the law of the state in which the vessel
is registered are open to public inspection, and that extracts from the
register and copies of such instruments are obtainable from the registrar;
(c) either the register or any instruments referred to in
subparagraph (b) specifies at least the name and address of the person in
whose favour the mortgage, “typoth????eque” or charge has been effected
or that it has been issued to bearer, the maximum amount secured, if that
is a requirement of the law of the state of registration, or, if that
amount is specified in the instrument creating the mortgage,
“typoth????eque” or charge, and the date and other particulars which,
according to the law of the state of registration, determine the ranking
in relation to other registered mortgages, ” hypoth????eque ” and charges.
article 2
ranking and effects of mortgages, “hypoth????eques” and charges
the ranking of registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques” or charges as
between themselves and, without prejudice to the provisions of this
convention, their effect in regard to third parties shall be determined by
the law of the state of registration; however, without prejudice to the
provisions of this convention, all matters relating to the procedure of
enforcement shall be regulated by the law of the state where enforcement
takes place.
article 3
change of ownership or registration
1. with the exception of the cases provided for in articles 11 and 12,
in all other cases that entail the deregistration of the vessel from the
register of a state party, such state party shall not permit the owner to
deregister the vessel unless all registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques”
or charges are previously deleted or the written consent of all holders of
such mortgages, “hypoth????eques” or charges is obtained. however, where
the deregistration of the vessel is obligatory in accordance with the law
of a state party, otherwise than as a result of a voluntary sale, the
holders of registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques” or charges shall be
notified of the pending deregistration in order to enable such holders to
take appropriate action to protect their interests; unless the holders
consent, the deregistration shall not be implemented earlier than after a
lapse of a reasonable period of time which shall be not less than three
months after the relevant notification to such holders.
2. without prejudice to article 12, paragraph 5, a vessel which is or
has been registered in a state party shall not be eligible for
registration in another state party unless either:
(a) a certificate has been issued by the former state to the
effect that the vessel has been deregistered; or
(b) a certificate has been issued by the former state to the
effect that the vessel will be deregistered with immediate effect, at such
time as the new registration is effected. the date of deregistration shall
be the date of the new registration of the vessel.
article 4
maritime liens
1. each of the following claims against the owner, demise charterer,
manager or operator of the vessel shall be secured by a maritime lien on
the vessel:
(a) claims for wages and other sums due to the master, officers
and other members of the vessel’s complement in respect of their
employment on the vessel, including costs of repatriation and social
insurance contributions payable on their behalf;
(b) claims in respect of loss of life or personal injury
occurring, whether on land or on water, in direct connection with the
operation of the vessel;
(c) claims for reward for the salvage of the vessel;
(d) claims for port, canal, and other waterway dues and pilotage
(e) claims based on tort arising out of physical loss or damage
caused by the operation of the vessel other than loss of or damage to
cargo, containers and passengers’ effects carried on the vessel.
2. no maritime lien shall attach to a vessel to secure claims as set
out in subparagraphs (b) and (e) of paragraph 1 which arise out of or
result from:
(a) damage in connection with the carriage of oil or other
hazardous or noxious substances by sea for which compensation is payable
to the claimants pursuant to international conventions or national law
providing for strict liability and compulsory insurance or other means of
securing the claims; or
(b) the radioactive properties or a combination of radioactive
properties with toxins, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear
fuel or of radioactive products or waste.
article 5
priority of maritime liens
1. the maritime liens set out in article 4 shall take priority over
registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques” and charges, and no other claim
shall take priority over such maritime liens or over such mortgages,
“hypoth????eques” or charges which comply with the requirements of article
1, except as provided in paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 12.
2. the maritime liens set out in article 4 shall rank in the order
listed, provided however that maritime liens securing claims for reward
for the salvage of the vessel shall take priority over all other maritime
liens which have attached to the vessel prior to the time when the
operations giving rise to the said liens were performed.
3. the maritime liens set out in each of subparagraphs (a), (b), (d)
and (e) of paragraph 1 of article 4 shall rank pari passu as between
4. the maritime liens securing claims for reward for the salvage of
the vessel shall rank in the inverse order of the time when the claim
secured thereby accrued. such claims shall be deemed to have accrued on
the date on which each salvage operation was terminated.
article 6
other maritime liens
each state party may under its law grant other maritime liens on a
vessel to secure claims, other than those referred to in article 4,
against the owner, demise charterer, manager or operator of the vessel,
provided that such liens:
(a) shall be subject to the provisions of articles 8, 10 and 12;
(b) shall be extinguished
(i) after a period of 6 months, from the time when the claims
secured thereby arose unless, prior to the expiry of such period, the
vessel has been arrested or seized, such arrest or seizure leading to a
forced sale; or
(ii) at the end of a period of 60 days following a sale to
bona fide purchaser of the vessel, such period to commence on the date on
which the sale is registered in accordance with the law of the state in
which the vessel is registered following the sale;
whichever period expires first; and
(c) shall rank after the maritime liens set out in article 4 and
also after registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques” or charges which
comply with the provisions of article 1.
article 7
rights of retention
1. each state party may grant under its law a right of retention in
respect of a vessel in the possession of either:
(a) a shipbuilder, to secure claims for the building of the
vessel; or
(b) a shiprepairer, to secure claims for repair, including
reconstruction of the vessel, effected during such possession.
2. such right of retention shall be extinguished when the vessel
ceases to be in the possession of the shipbuilder or shiprepairer,
otherwise than in consequence of an arrest or seizure.
article 8
characteristics of maritime liens
subject to the provisions of article 12, the maritime liens follow the
vessel, notwithstanding any change of ownership or of registration or of
article 9
extinction of maritime liens by lapse of time
1. the maritime liens set out in article 4 shall be extinguished after
a period of one year unless, prior to the expiry of such period, the
vessel has been arrested or seized, such arrest or seizure leading to a
forced sale.
2. the one-year period referred to in paragraph 1 shall commence:
(a) with respect to the maritime lien set out in article 4,
paragraph 1(a), upon the claimant’s discharge from the vessel;
(b) with respect to the maritime liens set out in article 4,
paragraph 1(b) to (e), when the claims secured thereby arise;
and shall not be subject to suspension or interruption, provided,
however, that time shall not run during the period that the arrest or
seizure of the vessel is not permitted by law.
article 10
assignment and subrogation
1. the assignment of or subrogation to a claim secured by a maritime
lien entails the simultaneous assignment of or subrogation to such a
maritime lien.
2. claimants holding maritime liens may not be subrogated to the
compensation payable to the owner of the vessel under an insurance
article 11
notice of forced sale
1. prior to the forced sale of a vessel in a state party, the
competent authority in such state party shall ensure that notice in
accordance with this article is provided to:
(a) the authority in charge of the register in the state of
(b) all holders of registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques” or
charges which have not been issued to bearer;
(c) all holders of registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques” or
charges issued to bearer and all holders of the maritime liens set out in
article 4, provided that the competent authority conducting the forced
sale receives notice of their respective claims; and
(d) the registered owner of the vessel.
2. such notice shall be provided at least 30 days prior to the forced
sale and shall contain either:
(a) the time and place of the forced sale and such particulars
concerning the forced sale or the proceedings leading to the forced sale
as the authority in a state party conducting the proceedings shall
determine is sufficient to protect the interests of persons entitled to
notice; or,
(b) if the time and place of the forced sale cannot be determined
with certainty, the approximate time and anticipated place of the forced
sale and such particulars concerning the forced sale as the authority in a
state party conducting the proceedings shall determine is sufficient to
protect the interests of persons entitled to notice.
if notice is provided in accordance with subparagraph (b), additional
notice of the actual time and place of the forced sale shall be provided
when known but, in any event, not less than seven days prior to the forced
3. the notice specified in paragraph 2 of this article shall be in
writing and either given by registered mail, or given by any electronic or
other appropriate means which provide confirmation of receipt, to the
persons interested as specified in paragraph 1, if known. in addition,
the notice shall be given by press announcement in the state where the
forced sale is conducted and, if deemed appropriate by the authority
conducting the forced sale, in other publications.
article 12
effects of forced sale
1. in the event of the forced sale of the vessel in a state party, all
registered mortgages, “hypoth????eques” or charges, except those assumed
by the purchaser with the consent of the holders, and all liens and other
encumbrances of whatsoever nature, shall cease to attach to the vessel,
provided that:
(a) at the time of the sale, the vessel is in the area of the
jurisdiction of such state; and
(b) the sale has been effected in accordance with the law of the
said state and the provisions of article 11 and this article.
2. the costs and expenses arising out of the arrest or seizure and
subsequent sale of the vessel shall be paid first out of the proceeds of
sale. such costs and expenses include, inter alia, the costs for the
upkeep of the vessel and the crew as well as wages, other sums and costs
referred to in article 4, paragraph 1(a), incurred from the time of arrest
or seizure. the balance of the proceeds shall be distributed in accordance
with the provisions of this convention, to the extent necessary to
satisfy the respective claims. upon satisfaction of all claimants, the
residue of the proceeds, if any, shall be paid to the owner and it shall
be freely transferable.
3. a state party may provide in its law that, in the event of the
forced sale of a stranded or sunken vessel, following its removal by a
public authority in the interest of safe navigation or the protection of
the marine environment, the costs of such removal shall b