1997年3月1日协会船舶抵押权人利益保险条款(Institute Mortgagees’ Interest Clauses, Hulls)
This insurance is subject to English law and practice.
1.1 This insurance will indemnify the Assured for loss resulting from loss of or damage to or liability of the Mortgaged Vessel which, in the absence of an Insured Peril set out in Clause 2. 1 below, would prima facie be covered by the Owner’Policies and Club Entries, and not excluded therein, but in respect of which there is subsequent non-payment (or reduced payment which is approved in advance by the Underwriters hereon) by any of the underwriters of Owners’Policies and Club Entries as a result of any Insured Peril, provided always that such Insured peril occurs or exists without the privity of the Assured.
1.2 The indemnity payable hereunder shall be
1.2.1 the amount of the Assured’s Net Loss and any auounts recoverable under Clause 6 herein, collectively not exceeding the Sum Insured on the Mortgaged Vessel, or
1.2.2 the amount of the unrecoverable claim or part thereof under any of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries
whichever is the lesser amount.
1.3 All the above is subject to the Definitions, Exclusions, Warranties and Conditions below.
第1条 保险条款(Insuring Clause)
1 保险条款
1.1 若不存在下述第2.1款规定的承保危险,本保险将赔偿被保险人因抵押船舶的灭失,损害或责任引起的损失,该损失初步是由船东的保险单及互保协会的入会证书承保的,且不排除其中,但有关随后的拒赔(或保险人预先同意的,减额赔付(reduced payment),由于任何承保危险的结果,由船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的保险人,还需符合此种承保危险的发生或存在,没有被保险人的私谋。
1.2 下述赔偿的支付应当:
1.2.1 被保险人的净损失额及根据下述第6条可获赔偿的任何数额,累加不得超过抵押船舶的保险金额,或
1.2.2 不可获赔的金额或根据船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书可获补偿的部分金额,以较低者为准。
1.3 上述所有的规定,均受下述定义、除外、保证和条件制约。
2.1 Insured Perils
2.1.1 Avoidance of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries or any of them by the underwriters thereof on the grounds of a misrepresentation or non-disclosure of any material circumstance, whether such misrepresentation or non-disclosure arises from the assured thereunder or any of such assured’s insurance agents or insurance brokers.
2.1.2 Breach of any statutory provision or any express or implied promissory warranty or condition, including without limitation breach of any implied warranty of seaworthiness or legality, breach of section 39(5) of the Marine Insurance Act of 1906, breach of trading warranties contained in any of the Owners Policies and Club Entries, breach of any warranty or condition in any of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries in respect of the classification of the Mortgaged Vessel by the Classification Society or any failure to comply with the recommendations of such Society to the extent required by such warranty or condition breach of any warranty or condition in any of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries which requires compliance with any condition survey, structural survey or P&I Club survey requirements and pursuant to which clauses underwriters deny a claim, breach of any warranty or condition in any of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries in respect of the ownership, flag, management or charter on a bareboat basis of the Mortgaged Vessel,
2.1.3 failure by the assured under the hull and machinery policy or the owners, managers or superintendents of the vessel or any of their onshore management to exercise due diligence in respect of any loss or damage to the Mortgaged Vessel where such failure to exercise due diligence entitles the underwriters of the owner’s hull and machinery policy to deny a claim otherwise recoverable thereunder,
2.1.4 any deliberate or fraudulent casting away of or damage to the Mortgaged Vessel,
2.1.5 avoidance of a claim under any of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries or any of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries by reason of breach of the duty of good faith in respect of such claim, or
2.1.6 the operations of any applicable provision in any of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries which provides for a time limitation on the presentation of claims,
2.1.7 in the event of the total loss of the Mortgaged Vessel, the final judgment or award of the courts or arbitration tribunal agreed to have jurisdiction under the express terms of Owners’ Policies and Club Entries (or in the event of there being no such express terms the competent court) following a contested hearing whereby the Owners’ claim is not recoverable under either Owners’ hull and machinery or war risks policies on the ground that the loss has not been proved to have been proximately caused by a peril insured under those policies and is not otherwise excluded from payment by an exclusion or other provision therein.
2.2 Owners’ Policies and Club Entries—means hull and machinery policies on terms equivalent to or wider than the current Institution Time Clauses, Hulls or American Institute Hull Clauses, (if taken, increased value policies on terms equivalent to Institute Time Clauses—Hull Disbursements and Increased Value (Total Loss Only and Excess Liabilities) or American Institute Increased Value and Excess Liabilities Clauses), War risks on terms equivalent to current Institute War and Strikes Clauses Hulls—Time and full protection and indemnity risks on conditions equivalent to the rules of a P&I Club that si a member of the International Group of P&I Associations.
2.3 Net Loss—means the Assured’s loss under the loan agreement to the extent secured by mortgage on the Mortgaged Vessel net of any amounts recovered or recoverable under all security arrangements contained in or collateral to the loan including but not limited to all mortgages (whether on vessels insured hereunder or on other vessels), liens, any floating and fixed charges, security interests, guarantees, insurance policies and pledges.
2.4 Mortgaged Vessel—means the vessel mortgaged to the Assured which is listen on the schedule attached hereto.
第2条 定义条款(Definitions)
2 定义
2.1 承保危险
2.1.1 由于误述或未告知任何重要情况,保险人取消船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书,无论此种误述或未告知是被保险人或任何此种被保险人的保险代理人或保险经纪人为之
2.1.2 违反任何法定条款或任何明示或默示约定的保证或条件,包括未经限制者: 违反任何默示的适航保证或合法性 违反1906年《海上保险法》第39条第5款 违反包含在船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的任何贸易保证 违反在船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书中,有关船级社对抵押船舶的船级的保证或条件,或未遵循此种船级社就此种保证或条件提出的建议 违反在船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书中,要求遵循任何条件检验,结构检验或互保协会要求的检验及按照保险人拒赔条款的任何保证或条件 违反在船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书中,有关抵押船舶的所有权,船旗,管理或光船租赁的任何保证条件。
2.1.3 船壳和机器保险单项下的被保险人,或船东,管理人或船舶监管人或其他任何岸上管理人,就有关抵押船舶未能谨慎处理,此种未能谨慎处理使得船东的船壳和机器保险单的保险人,有权拒赔本应赔偿的损失。
2.1.4 任何故意或欺诈地抛弃或损坏抵押船舶。
2.1.5 依据任何船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的索赔的撤销,或由于违反有关此种索赔的诚信的义务而撤销任何船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书。
2.1.6 在船东的保险单和互保协会的保险单中规定的提出索赔的时效条款的生效。
2.1.7 万一抵押船舶全损,根据船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的明示条款约定有管辖权的法院的最终判决或仲裁庭的裁决(或倘若没有此种有管辖权法院的明示条款)在辩论审理后,船东的索赔被判定不能根据船东的船壳和机器保险单,或战争险保险单获赔,理由是未证明该损失是由那些保险单项下承保危险直接造成,且并非除此以外由其中的某一除外条款或其他条款排除赔付者。
2.2 船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书,是指与现行协会船舶定期保险条款或美国协会船舶保险条款相同的或更宽广的条款的船舶和机器保险单(如果采用等同于协会船舶费用和增值定期保险条款(仅适用于全损及超额责任保险)或美国协会增值和超额责任保险条款),与现行协会船舶战争与罢工保险条款相同的战争险及与作为国际互保协会集团成员,等同于互保协会规则的保障与赔偿风险的条件。
2.3 净损失是指被保险人在贷款合同下,在以抵押船舶作为抵押担保的范围内,根据包含有该贷款或该贷款的抵押品的所有的担保安排已获得或可获得的任何净损失金额,包括但不限于所有的抵押品(无论是此处的保险船舶或对其他船舶),留置权,任何浮动或固定的费用,担保利益,保证,保险单和质押。
2.4 抵押船舶是指记载于本保险附表的抵押给被保险人的船舶。
In no case shall this policy cover:
3.1 any loss or expense arising from or as a result of
3.1.1 the relevant Owners’ Policies and Club Entries, been terminated or cancelled or cover suspended or non-payment of claims by the underwriters or insurance brokers thereof due to non-payment of premiums or calls.
3.1.2 Insolvency or financial default of any of the underwriters of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries,
3.1.3 inability of any party to transmit founds,
3.1.4 any fluctuation in exchange rates,
3.1.5 the operation of any franchise deductible or provision for self-insurance,
3.2 loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from:
3.2.1 ionsing radiation from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel,
3.2.2 the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contamination properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereos,
3.1.3 any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.
第3条 除外条款(Exclusions)
3 除外
3.1 由于下述原因引起的任何损失或费用:
3.1.1 相关的船东保险单和互保协会入会证书已经终止或取消或保险中止或由于未支付保险费或保赔保险费(calls),保险人或保险经纪人未赔付
3.1.2 船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的任何保险人的破产或财务困境
3.1.3 任何当事方无能力传送资金
3.1.4 兑换率的任何波动
3.1.5 任何绝对免赔额、相对免赔额或自保条款起作用
3.2 由于下列原因直接或间造成或可归因于或引起的灭失或损害:
3.2.1 由于任何核燃料或核废料或核燃料燃烧引起的电离辐射或放射性污染
3.2.2 任何核装置,反应堆或其他核设施或核组件的放射性、有毒、爆炸性或其他危险的或污染性的财产
3.2.3 使用原子或核裂变及/或聚变或其他相似反应或放射性力量或物质的任何战争武器。
It is warranted in respect of the Mortgaged Vessel that:
4.1 Owners’ Policies and Club Entries have been taken out and, except as a result of the occurrence or existence of an Insured Peril without the privity of the Assured, shall be maintained throughout the currency of this insurance for an insured value and limit of liability not less than the amount insured hereunder or the amount of the outstanding loan to the extent secured by the Mortgaged Vessel,
4.2 Each of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries endorsed to the extent of the Assured’s interest, and
4.3 The Assured has procured and registered a valid first mortgage.
第4条 保证条款(Warranties)
4 保证
4.1 船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书已经获得,除非发生或存在某种没有被保险人私谋的承保危险,在本保险整个期间将维持某种保险价值并限制责任,不低于下述保险金额或在抵押船舶担保的范围内的到期应付贷款金额
4.2 每一船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书应批注被保险人的利益
4.3 被保险人已获得并有效地登记第一抵押。
This insurance will terminate automatically at the time the Assured become or is aware of or privy to any change of:
5.1 Classification Society or of change, suspension, discontinuance, withdrawal or expiry of the Mortgaged Vessel’s class within that Society,
5.2 Ownership, flag, mangement or control of the Mortgaged Vessel,
Unless the Assured gives prompt notice of such change in writing, and agrees to pay an additional premium, if required, and Owners’ Policies and Club Entries are maintained.
第5条 (船舶)所有权或控制权变更(Change of Ownership or Control)
5 船舶所有权或控制权变更
5.1 变更、终止、中止、撤回船级社,或抵押船舶在船级社的船级过期
5.2 抵押船舶的所有权、船旗、管理人或控制权,除非被保险人迅速地书面通知此种变更,并同意支付附加保险费(若有要求),船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书继续有效。
6.1 The Assured shall report in writing to the Underwriters any circumstance which may give rise to a claim under this insurance within 30 days of the Assured’s knowledge of such circumstances and shall thereafter keep the Underwriters fully informed of all developments.
6.2 It is the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents to take such measures as may be reasonable for the purpose averting or minimising a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance.
6.3 The Underwriters will reimburse charges properly and reasonably incurred by the Assured their servants or agents for such measures except for legal costs and expenses incurred by the Assured in relation to any claim under Owners’ Policies and Club Entries which shall only be reimbursed in accordance with clause 6.4 herein.
6.4 Subject to the condition precedent that the Mortgaged Vessel is entered in a Freight, Demurrage and Defence Club covering the cost of the owner proceeding against the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries, the Underwriters will reimburse those legal costs and expenses incurred by the Assured in pursuing the non-paying Owners’ Policies and Club Entries not otherwise recoverable as part of the Net Loss bur only where the Assured can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Underwriters that it has made every reasonable effort to compel the owner to pursue the non-paying Owners’ Policies and Club Entries. This policy shall not pay for legal costs and expenses incurred by the Assured in monitoring the claim against the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries.
6.5 Any amounts payable under this clause shall be included within and shall not be additional to the Sum Insured.
6.6 Measures taken by the Assured or the Underwriters with the object of averting or minimising a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance shall not be considered as a waiver or acceptance of a claim or otherwise prejudice the right of either party.
第6条 被保险人的义务(施救)条款(Duty of Assured (Sue and Labour))
6 被保险人的义务(实救)
6.1 被保险人应在知晓根据本保险可能引起索赔的任何情况的30日内书面向保险人报告所有的进展情况
6.2 被保险人及其雇员和代理人,有义务采取可以合理避免或减轻根据本保险可获赔偿的损失的各项措施
6.3 保险人将补偿被保险人、其雇员或代理人采取此种措施适合合理发生的费用,但被保险人就有关依据船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书提出的任何索赔发生的法律费用和开支除外,这些费用和开支仅能按照下述第6.4款的规定获得补偿
6.4 受抵押船舶加入承保针对船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书引起的船东诉讼费用的运费、滞期费和辩护保赔协会(Freight, Demurrage and Defence Club)前提条件的制约,保险人将补偿被保险人在追诉无报酬的船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书时所发生的那些法律费用,这些法律费用并不能作为净损失的一部分,而只有在被保险人能够证明并满足保险人它已作出每种合理的努力,迫使船东进行无报酬的船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书之场合,才能作为净损失。本保险不赔付被保险人在监控针对船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的诉讼时发生的法律费用和开支。
6.5 根据本条可赔偿的任何金额,应包括在保险金额范围内,而不应附加于该保险金额。
6.6 被保险人或保险人旨在避免或减轻根据本保险可获赔偿的损失所采取的措施,不应视为放弃或接受某项索赔或损害任何一方的权利。
7.1 The Assured shall prove a claim under this insurance by:
7.1.1 demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Underwriters that by reason of the perils insured under clause 2.1 there is no reasonable prospect of the Owners and/or Assured succeeding in the claim against the underwriters of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries, or
7.1.2 in the event of disagreement between the Underwriters and the Assured by either referring the issue to a sole arbitrator in London to be agreed upon between the Underwriters and the Assured or on final court judgment or arbitration award delivered in favour of the underwriters of Owners’ Policies and Club Entries.
7.2 The Underwriters shall pay any claim hereunder within 3 months of the date that both the claim is proved in accordance with Clause 7.1 and Net Loss is established.
第7条 索赔条款
7 索赔
7.1 被保险人应当通过下述方式证明根据本保险的某项索赔:
7.1.1 提出令保险人满意的证明,由于第21款项下的承保危险,船东和/或被保险人没有合理的成功的机会向船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的保险人索赔,或
7.1.2 万一保险人与被保险人之间存在分歧,或者将争议提交一位由保险人和被保险人约定的在伦敦的独任仲裁员或由法院作出有利于船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证明的保险人的仲裁裁决或终审判决
7.2 保险人将在根据第7.1款证明的索赔及净损失确认之日起三个月内赔付任何索赔。
8.1 upon payment to the Assured of a claim hereunder, the Underwriters shall be subrogated to all the rights and remedies of the Assured in respect of such payment.
8.2 It is a condition of this insurance that any payments by the Underwriters shall not be applied by the Assured in or towards discharge or satisfaction of the amount of the outstanding indebtedness.
第8条 代位权条款( Subrogation)
8 代位权
8.1 在向被保险人支付赔偿后,保险人将代位取得被保险人有关此种赔款项下所有的权利和救济
8.2 保险人支付的任何赔偿被保险人不得用于清偿或补偿到期债务金额是本保险的一项条件。
If the loan amounts are not fully insured hereunder at the time of loss, then the indemnity payable hereunder including any sue and labour amount shall be reduced in proportion to the under insurance.
第9条 不足额保险的后果(effect of under Insurance)
9 不足额保险的后果
10.1 Cover hereunder for loss of or damage to or liability of a Mortgaged Vessel shall terminate in respect of those risks covered by the War and Strikes Clause of the Mortgaged Vessel
10.1..1 AUTOMATICALLY upon the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war or not between any of any of the following
United Kingdom, United States of American, France, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China
10.1.2 AUTOMATICALLY in respect of a Mortgaged Vessel in event of that Mortgaged Vessel being requisitioned either for title or use
10.1.3 7 days after the Underwriters of the Owner’s War Risks Insurance or any them have geiven notice of cancellation unless such War Risks Insurance have been reinstated prior to or from the expiry of such notice and any new rate of premium and amendments to terms, conditions or warranties, if any, have been agreed, or
10.1.4 7 days after the Underwrites hereon have given notice of cancellation in respect of such risks.
10.2 Cancellation in accordance with Clauses 10.1.3 and 10.1.4 shall become effective on the expiry of 7 days from midnight on the day on which the notice of cancellation is given. The Underwriters agree however to reinstate this insurance subject to agreement between the Underwriters and the Assured prior to the expiry of such notice of cancellation as to new rate of premium and/or conditions and/or warranties.
第10条 自动终止条款(Automatic Termination)
10 自动终止
10.1 本保险承保的抵押船舶的灭失或损害或责任,对于由抵押船舶战争和罢工险条款承保的那些风险将终止
10.1.1 在下述任何国家之间爆发战争(无论宣战与否)时自动终止:
10.1.2 有关抵押船舶,万一该抵押船舶的所有权或使用权被征用时自动终止
10.1.3 在船东的战争险保险的保险人或他们中的任何人发出取消通知后7日,除非此种战争险保险在该通知届满或之前已经恢复,且已同意任何新的保险费率及条款、条件或保证的修改(若有的话)。
10.1.4 在保险人就有关此种风险发出取消通知后7天。
10.2 根据第10.1.3项和10.1.4项的取消,将自发出该取消通知7日后的子夜生效。不过,保险人同意恢复本保险,但受制于在此种取消通知届满之前,保险人与被保险人,就新的保险费率及/或条件及/或保证达成协议。
《OMAY 海上保险:法律与保险单》2002年法律出版社